Thank you for such a wonderful entry. I was delighted to be able to judge outside as Ridgebacks show much better there, and I thought they looked splendid in the sunshine. The breed has improved since I last judged with much better lay of shoulder but upper arm is often short or straight which spoils the dog’s reach. I was looking for a ridgeback without exaggeration that could move with reach and drive covering the ground with ease. Temperaments were very good. Ridges and crowns were generally correct but one ridge had a third crown which is not acceptable in the ring. I felt the quality today lay with the bitches and in some classes regrettably there were not enough cards to go round. Especially nice to see so many veterans reminding us of their contribution to the breed gene pool. MPD(1) 1 Torr’s Bovijo Blaze of Glory 9 mths. Good bone. Masculine head with good stop and correct ear placement. Clean neck into very good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep chest and level topline. Good rear angulation. Moved out very steadily. PD(5:1a) Dunn’s Fadil Nallah by Luanda for Tukela Eyecatching 10mths puppy. Pleasing head and expression with dark eye. Clean neck into good shoulder, would like more return of upper arm. Needs to drop in brisket but well ribbed back. Level topline, Well angulated rear quarters. Movement good but still a little loose at the moment. This will tighten up with maturity BPD. 2 Worthington’s Veldtkammer Winds of Change at Tungattosh R/Wh 10mths with strong bone. Good head with nice dark eye. A little short in the neck but good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, Deep chest but would prefer a little more ribbing back. Strong rear quarters but straight in the stifle. After settling he moved quite well. 3 Mylonas’s Rozelridge El Primo 10 mths finer in bone than 2. Nice head and expression. Good front and rear angulation. Movement difficult to assess as he would not settle. JD(11:3a) 1 Greeves Hespa Hermes M/Wh 17mths well boned. Attractive head with dark eye and pleasing expression. Strong neck into excellent front quarters. Good depth of brisket, would have preferred a little more ribbing back. Level topline. Rear angulation well muscled with good turn of stifle. Moved out with drive. 2. Plested’s Nzawi Kaiser Chief M/Wh Masculine head with kind expression. Clean long neck into long shoulder with rather straight upper arm and a little out at elbow. Deep chest and level topline. Moved a little close behind today. 3 Sammut, Storey & Piehl’s Kiromol Kanuka R/Wh Good head and dark eye. Lovely long clean neck into good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Just needs to drop in brisket, well ribbed back . Level topline Little straight in stifle but moved steadily. YD(3) 1 Craven’s Hespa Henry Higgins JW R/Wh Strong young dog with good bone. Lovely head and expression Good length of neck into excellent lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Well ribbed back and level topline. Powerful rear quarters. Covered the ground with purpose. 2 Webster’s Janak Zandr Masculine head with kind expression. Very good bone and substance. Good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm . Well ribbed back, level topline, strong rear angulation. Just didn’t concentrate on movement today. 3 Lowson’s Kani Akilah Encane Hasini for Jengachenga (Imp Ned) R/Wh Attractive head and dark eye. Standing on good bone but a little wide in front. Length of neck and good lay of shoulder but a little straight in upper arm. Brisket good depth but could do with longer ribbing. Rear angulation good with well let down hocks. Moved out well. GD(3) 1 Morais’s Nyassa King of Leon R/Wh with very good bone. Attractive male head with dark eye. Strong neck into excellent lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep brisket with good ribbing back. Level topline. Good rear quarters and turn of stifle. Movementhsteady and balanced. 2 Lily’s Mirengo’s Mokoro. M/Wh Smaller dog with good bone but just carrying a little extra weight today. Lovely dark eye and kind expression. Nice lay of shoulder. Deep chest and level topline. Good rear quarters with good turn of stifle. Moved out with purpose. 3 Murphy’s Amahle Mpho at Lusapho R/Wh Very nice head with clean neck into long shoulder blade and short upper arm but good return. Deep chest but standing a little wide and out at elbow. Rear quarters good. Moved very well. PGD(7) 1 Walker’s Amahle Juma M/Wh Good. bone and substance Lovely head with dark eye and kind expression. Clean neck of good length into good lay of shoulder but a little upright in upper arm. Deep chest and very well ribbed back. Good rear angulation allowing balanced movement. 2 Lower’s Mirengo’s Mukuru L/Wh at the top end of the standard but still with good proportions. Masculine head with lovely dark eye. Long clean neck into good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep chest and well ribbed back. Good rear quarters. Although still to mature, he moved effortlessly covering the ground with reach and drive. 3 Barnard’s Neelanjali Jackson for Tsjakka JW Good Liver colouring with correct light eye. Although a smaller dog he is nicely proportioned with good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep chest and good ribbing. Strong rear quarters. Moved true and covered the ground with purpose. MLD(7) 1 House’s Lobengula Shine for Me R/Wh Strong dog standing on very heavy bone. Masculine head of good proportions. Neck a little thickset. Long shoulder blade with good return of upper arm. Deep chest well ribbed back. Strong rear quarters. Covered the ground easily. 2 Cheshire’s Wingsdancin Angel Sheknah M/Wh Lovely shape in profile. Attractive head and kind expression. Long clean neck into excellent lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Good depth of brisket and well ribbed back. Good rear angulation. Front movement was a little restricted which was disappointing. 3 Watson’s Ilizulu Bah Humbug R/Wh Strong dog standing on good bone. Nice head with dark eye. Good lay of shoulder but a little straight in upper arm. Level topline. Well muscled rear quarters. Moved out with drive. LD(13:4a) 1 Nolan’s Harambee Ku Kujo ShCM M/Wh Very good bone and substance. Masculine head with dark eye and kind expression. Clean long neck into excellent shoulder and upper arm placement. Good depth of brisket and length of ribbing. Strong rear quarters with well let down hocks allowed this dog to cover the ground with reach and drive. Pleased to award him RDCC. 2 Hodge’s Colkerrin’s Sunlight. Slightly lighter frame than 1 with pleasing shape. Good head with dark eye. Long reach of neck into good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep chest, level topline. Well muscled rear quarters. Nice balanced movement. 3 Tredwell & Symond’s Shombay Dark Knight Rises R/Wh Good bone and substance. Lovely head with good proportions. Strong neck and good lay of shoulder, just a little short in upper arm. Chest not yet dropped to elbow, well ribbed back. Good rear angulation. Moved out with purpose. OD(13:3a) Quality class of dogs to go over. 1 Jeffery’s Ch Zenzele Chase the Ace JW M/Wh Handsome dog with good bone and substance without exaggeration, Masculine head, dark eye and kind expression. Clean neck into excellent lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep brisket with good ribbing back. Level topline. Powerful rear quarters allowing him to reach out with accuracy and balance. DCC & RBIS 2 Barnard’s Ch Jockular Lord Leonti at Tsjakka JW M/Wh . I gave him BP when I judged last, and am pleased to see he has matured into a handsome, upstanding dog. Lovely head with kind expression. Clean neck with good shoulder and upper arm placement. Good length of ribbing and strong rear angulation. He moved out with balance covering the ground lightly. Could change places with 1 on another day. 3 Ashman’s Eilack Kito Kijani JW ShCM R/Wh Pleasing head with nice expression. A little short in neck but good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep chest but would have liked more ribbing back. Level topline, good rear quarters, well let down hocks. Move out straight and true. VD(6:2a) 1 Lowson’s Ch Mwenga Hasani for Jengachenga M/Wh Very handsome head, clean neck into good shoulder and upper arm. Good depth of brisket and well ribbed back. Needed the extra height to complete the picture. At 9 years old enjoying his day out covering the ground with ease. 2 Hicks Nuthouse Manhatton M/Wh Slightly heavier in bone than 1 but has good substance, has masculine head with dark eye. Front and rear angulation good. Deep chest with good ribbing. Moved out with purpose. 3 Carlton’s Umhlandla Bukekayo Liver nosed dog with good eye and coat colouring. Strong dog standing on well boned legs. Good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm and well ribbed back. Moved out steadily. SVD(3) 1 Woodrow’s Mirengo’s Mukwela M/Wh Good head with dark eye nearly 11 years old and still covering the ground with balance. Long clean neck into excellent front angulation. Deep chest and well ribbed back. Good rear quarters. 2 Hodge’s Multi/Int/Am Ch Columbia Blue Sky of Courage (IMP USA) M/Wh another grand old veteran with good bone and substance. Good front and rear angulation, Well ribbed back. Moved out true with ease. 3 Vincent’s Ch Umhlandla Injabulo for Jematti 9 years old with good bone and hardly a sign of his age. Pleasing head and nice dark eye, Strong neck into good shoulder placement. Deep brisket, well ribbed back just a little shorter in loin than 1 & 2. Good drive from behind allowing him to move out with purpose. MPB(4:1a) 1 Simpson’s Sofala having a Good Time at Renescent M/Wh 8 months with nice bone. Pretty head. Long neck into good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Good length of ribbing. Standfing a little high behind today. Moved out steadily when settled. 2 Conlon’s Ngirozi’s Heart and Soul 7 months old with good liver-nosed colouring. A little finer boned than 1 with good front and rear quarters. Deep chest and good ribbing. Moved out well. 3 Wellbank’s Malekas Rich and Rare R/Wh 8 months Good head and clean neck and good front assembly. Deep chest but ribbing just cuts up a little at the moment. A little unsettled at first, but moved OK PB(3:1a) 1 Nelson’s Gabisa Woo Woo at Zougani M/Wh 11 months with good bone and substance. Feminine head with good dark eye. Clean neck into good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep chest, level topline. Good turn of stifle. Moved out with balance BP 2 Kirby & Mansfield’s Shingwidsi Tshadi Rose M/Wh 10 months Not so mature as 1 and standing a little high behind today. Nice Head proportions. Very good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Tight elbows and good depth of chest. Took a little time to settle but moved out well. JB(11:5a) 1 Nash’s Mutoko’s Lledwenau Lowrie JW M/Wh Eye catching bitch of lovely shape. Good bone and substance. Very pretty head and expression. Lovely long clean neck into excellent shoulder placement and return of upper arm. Deep brisket and well ribbed back. Very good rear quarters with well let down hocks. Moved effortlessly covering the ground with reach and drive. Pressed hard for reserve bitch CC. 2 Plested’s Nzawi Just Flow with It R/Wh Strong head and good length of neck. Very good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Good deep chest but ribbing tucks up too quickly. Moved out steadily. 3 Broadsmith’s Gunthwaite Kiss and Tell at Chainama R/Wh Strong boned bitch with attractive head and expression. Clean neck into good lay of shoulder but upper arm a little short. Good depth of brisket and ribbing well back. Good rear angulation allowed her to move out with ease. YB(8:4a) 1 Broadsmith’s Gunthwaite Kiss and Tell at Chainama. 2 Torr’s Gunthwaite Dolly Diva at Bovijo R/Wh Good bone. Feminine head. A little light in eye colour. Clean neck. Deep chest and well held topline. Good front and rear angulation. Covered the ground steadily. 3 Tanner-Oliver-Smith & Baldwin’s Janak Dronning Maud L/Wh Pretty head with dark mask and lovely dark eye. Rangier bitch than 1 with long clean neck into excellent lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Good depth of brisket and well ribbed back. Well let down hocks Her movement let her down today as she was a bit erratic and difficult to assess. GB(5:2a) 1 Greeves Amber Inko R/Wh Nicely proportioned head with dark eye. Strong neck into good lay of shoulder but upper arm is a little straight. Good depth of brisket but would prefer longer ribbing back. Good rear quarters. Moved out well. 2 Hurn’s Abayomi The Light Fantastic of Matikiridge M/Wh Rangier bitch than1 with lovely head and feminine expression. Clean neck into good shoulder placement but upper arm is rather short. Good depth and ribbing of brisket. Good rear angulation. Movement a little erratic today. 3 Brien & Young’s Imange Msitu Mashamba R/Wh standing on good bone. Attractive head and expression. A little thickset in neck but good lay of shoulder and upper arm. Deep chest with good ribbing. Rear quarters good with well let down hocks. Moved very well. PGB(11:6a)Gray’s Kijivu’s Kaira M/Wh bitch of lovely proportions. Very pretty head and expression. Good clean neck into correct front angulation. Good deep chest and very well ribbed back, Level Topline. Good rear quarters. Moved out with ease covering the ground with reach and drive. 2 Adderlwy’s Tambyssa’s Aphrodite M/Wh Heavier boned bitch with good substance. Attractive head and dark eye. Clean neck although a little thick-set. Very good front and rear angulation. Good depth of brisket. Moved true out and back. 3 Crowle’s Mtwapa Maalum M/Wh Lovely head and dark eye. Clean neck of good length into excellent shoulder but a little upright in upper arm. Deep chest well ribbed back. Level topline. Moved out steadily. MLB(6) 1 Darling’s Sharufa Shadowing James M/Wh Lovely shape with very good bone and substance. Feminine head and expression. Long clean neck into very good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep chest, good ribbing and level topline. Good rear angulation. Moved with reach and drive. 2 Woodrow’s Mirengo’s Mazara Bani M/Wh Slightly rangier bitch than 1 with good bone. Pretty head with nice dark eye. Shoulder and upper arm placement is excellent. Good depth of brisket and well ribbed back. Rear quarters very good. Movement light and covering the group with purpose. 3. Nolan’s Harambee Ku Shani M/Wh another bitch with bone and substance. Attractive head with dark eye and feminine expression Good length of shoulder into correct lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Brisket deep and ribbing well back. Good turn of stifle. Moved out well covering the ground with ease. LB(13:2a) 1 Parson’s Priorpark Aphrodite M/Wh Caught my eye as she came into the ring. A bitch with no exaggeration but good bone and substance. Feminine head with dark mask and eye. Long clean neck into very good shoulder placement and return of upper arm. Deep chest with very good ribbing back. Level topline on the move. Strong rear quarters. Moved out easily with reach and drive, BCC & BIS. 2 Gray’s Kijivu’s Kharis L/Wh another good boned bitch without exaggeration. A very pretty head with lovely dark eye. Long neck into very good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Good depth of brisket and length of ribbing. Good rear angulation. Moved straight and true RBCC. 3 Hick’s Nuthouse Never Say Never L/Wh Well proportioned head with dark eye. Good reach of shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep chest with good ribbing. Well let down hocks. Covered the ground steadily. OB(14:4a) 1 Naylor’s Ch Khamilli Comes and Goes JW M/Wh Well boned with substance. Lovely dark eye with feminine expression. Clean neck into correctly laid shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep brisket would just have preferred more length of ribbing. Strong hindquarders with good turn of stifle. Driving from behind, she covered the ground easily. 2 Parker’s Ch Trendsetter Jani of Azuli ShCM R/Wh bitch of good proportions. Very pretty head and expression. Clean neck into very good lay of shoulder but upper arm is a little upright, Very deep chest and well ribbed. Good loin and strong rear quarters Well let down hocks, Moved with reach and drive. 2 Shaw’s Makibos Kilimalemrika ShCM M/Wh A little taller than 2 but good bone and substance. Feminine head with gentle expression. Long clean neck into slightly upright front angulation. Brisket deep and well ribbed back. Rear angulation good. Moved out well. VB(10:3a) So nice to see all the veteran bitches in such good condition. 1 Hicks Nuthouse Martini Attractive head with good proportions. Clean neck into good shoulder and upper arm. Chest not quite to elbow but reasonable ribbing. Strong rear quarters. Moved straight and true. 2 Gray’s Kijivu’s Katoushka Very fit, shapely 9 year old showing no sign of her age. Just up to the standard with good bone and substance. Very pretty head and lovely dark eye. Good neck into excellent forequarters. Deep chest well ribbed back. Moved out well with purpose. 3 Thompson & Taylor’s Kelshanti Pendal Zula R/Wh Nice head with lovely dark eye. Very good bone. Good length of neck into excellent lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Brisket very deep with good ribbing. Level topline. Good rear angulation. Moved out with purpose and looked as if she could go on forever! SVB((3) 1 Darling’s Ch Zougani Zawadi ShCM M/Wh 10 years old looking fresh and fit. Lovely feminine head with gentle expression. Lovely shaped bitch with good bone. Front and rear angulation good. Moved out with reach and drive.. Pleased to award her VB & BVIS. 2 Coyles Amiswarno Madrigal with Ozubi M/Wh. What a grand old lady at 12 years old really ejoying her moment in the ring. Feminine head with lovely dark eye. Long clean neck into good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Deep chest and good ribbing. Moved steadily covering the ground with ease. 3 Digby’s Chigani Adeola of Inbasha M/Wh Another spritely 10 year old with bone and substance. Attractive head with dark mask. Good clean neck. Front and rear angulation very good. Deep chest well ribbed back. Moved out very well. Kirsteen Maidment Judge
The Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Great Britain Championship Show 28th September 2014 Judge Mrs Cath Davis (Imola) I would like to thank the Committee of the Rhodesian Ridgeback club of GB for a superbly run show and the exhibitors for their entry. I was looking for a Ridgeback that was balanced throughout and could have done the job the breed was originally bred for. BIS & BCC Shaw’s Makibos Kilimalemrika Of Negasi ShCM RBIS & DCC Jeffery’s CH Zenzele’s Chase The Ace BPIS & BPB Barnes Diamondridge Delightful BVIS Miles CH Veldtkammer Red Hot Chick At Jaloumi Res DCC Walker’s Amahle Don’t Stop Me Now Best Puppy Dog Barnard’s Neelanjali Jackson Brown For Tsakka Best Veteran Dog Woodrow’s Mirengo’s Mukwela Res BCC Savva’s Sofala Golden Glow Minor Puppy Dog (4) (0) 1st Barnard’s Neelanjali Jackson Brown For Tsakka, 7 month Liver Nosed boy who is very together for his age. Masculine head, eye colour harmonising with coat colour, leading to a good reach of neck. Good front and bone standing on tight feet. Balanced fore and aft in angulation this happy boy moved well with his handler making the most of the Large ring. Good ridge and crowns. Best puppy dog. 2nd Lower’s Mirengo’s Mukuru This 8 month old puppy is at a very different stage of Development , Good masculine head of good proportions with excellent dark eye. Good reach of neck into well angulated forequarters, heavy in bone and good feet . Deep chest, excellent length of loin leading to strong hindquarters which he used well on the move when settled. Excellent ridge and crowns. Needs time to settle. 3rd Morais Nyassa’s King Of Leon Res Liddell, Connelly & Mumford’s Mutuma Liebe Puppy Dog (4) (0) 1st Webster’s Janak Zandr 10 month old youngster enjoying his day. Masculine balanced head, kind expression and good dark eye .Strong neck leading to well angulated forequarters, plenty of bone and well knuckled feet. Good depth of body for age, tight topline leading to good rear quarters and rear angulation. On the move showed promising balanced movement but needs time to settle. Good ridge and crowns. 2nd Barne’s Diamondridge Da Vinci 11 month ,larger male of a different type .Masculine head with a soft expression and super dark eye leading to a good reach of neck. Super forechest and has plenty of bone with good feet. Deep chest , good length of loin with strong topline .Very good rear quarters and used them well to cover the ground at times but slightly unsettled. Excellent ridge and crowns. 3rd Murphy’s Amahle Mpho At Lusapho Res McNamee’s Carlincox Capishe Junior Dog (6) (1) 1st Tredwell & Symond’s Shombay Dark Knight Rises, 13 month red male. Impressive balanced masculine head with a good dark eye giving a kind expression. Excellent strong reach of neck leading to a good forechest, good bone and very tight feet. Good depth to chest, well sprung ribs and good length of loin. Well muscled hind quarters with good rear angulation which gave a balanced outline overall. Did not disappoint on the move which was strong, free and covered the ground well. Most together of this class. Good ridge and crowns. Once finished he should do well. 2nd Walker’s Amahle Juma 11month old youngster of a different type .Lighter wheaten, balanced head with a pleasing expression. Long reach of neck into good forequarters and has tight feet, balanced in body and good rear quarters. Moved well for his age and stage of development. Good ridge and crowns. 3rd Parke’s Rottzridge The Templar For Veldtkammer Res Murphy’s Amahle Mpho At Lusapho VHC Sander’s Kuwinda King Mufasa Yearling Dog (4) (2) 1st Bowlus Villagedogs Magnificent Madison 18 month old with a very balanced head and dark eye .Excellent length of neck set into a well angulated forechest, rear quarters balance front. Good depth of chest and length of loin give him a balanced stride when on the move and expertly handled. Good ridge and crowns. 2nd Stait’s Simangele Capsicum 19month youngster of a similar type to winner. Pleasing head and kind expression with a good dark eye .Excellent reach of neck leading to a well angulated forechest, good bone and tight feet. Rear angulation balances the outline of this dog, giving him drive from behind, if a little unsettled compared to 1. Good ridge and crowns Graduate Dog (5) (1) 1st Lilly’s Mirengo’s Moroko 2yr light wheaten. Has lovely type of head, masculine with a kind expression and a good dark eye. Good reach of neck into superb forechest and shoulder angulation .Has good bone and tight feet. Good depth of chest and spring of rib leading to excellent length of loin with a tight topline. Rear angulation matches the front with well muscled hindquarters and good width of thigh. Has strong reaching movement but very light on his feet so he flowed around the ring. 2nd Stait’s Simangele Capsicum Second in previous class. 3rd Lynch & Lee’s Tambyssa’s Apollo Res Barnard’s Neketona Red Maple Post Graduate Dog (6) (1) 1st Healey, Strickland &Camilletti’s Ozubi’s Best Mate Of Voortrekker 2 and a half year old wheaten male. Lovely head, balanced in outline and lovely dark eye, good neck balanced on a well angulated front. Chest is deep and wellsprung with a good length of loin with tight topline. Rear quarters balanced with front allows this male to have smooth, free movement that won him this class. Good ridge and crowns. 2nd Wigglesworth’s Ranginui Sterling 3yr old Red male of a heavier type. Masculine head with dark mask and superb dark eye. Strong neck into a good forechest and shoulder angulation,heavy in bone standing on excellent tight feet. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Rear angulation is good with plenty of drive from behind on the move. Excellent ridge and crowns 3rd Chesshire’s Wingsdancin Angel Sheknah Res Adderley’s Tambyssa’s Ares VHC Barnard’s Neketona Red Maple Minor Limit Dog (6) (3) 1st Nolans Harambee Ku Kujo 2yr red wheaten with a very pleasing head and kind expression with a beautiful dark eye. Excellent reach of neck and shoulder angulation that was replicated in the rear. He had a deep chest ,plenty of ribbing and a good length of loin enabling him to keep his topline as he moved. Very good extension on the move, with a light free and easy stride. Good ridge and crowns. 2nd Wigglesworth’s Ranginui Sterling 2Nd in the previous class. 3rd Ensor’s Saffronridge Lord Boaz Limit Dog (9) (1) 1st Walker’s Amahle Don’t Stop Me Now 2 and a half year old male presented in hard condition. Excel’s in head with a dark round eye giving a kind intelligent expression. Has a good front, with excellent shoulder angulation and a good depth of chest. Is strong in bone and has excellent tight feet. Has a good length of rib and loin which he uses in conjunction with excellent rear quarters to give powerful movement from behind. He has a light free action that suggests this is a Ridgeback who could do the job he was bred for. Excellent ridge and crowns, Reserve Dog CC. 2nd Nolans Harambee Ku Kujo. 2nd in previous class. 3rd Southwick’s Imbali Jawara At Nyassa Res Davies Gunthwaites Son Of A Preacha Man VHC Pearce’s Msingi Tabula Rasa JW Open Dog (10) (2) 1st Jeffery’s CH Zenzele’s Chase The Ace 3 and a half yr male who has just come into his prime. Masculine head,dark mask and lovely dark eye giving him a kind expression. Has a strong neck leading to a correctly angulated front shoulder, strong in bone and the tightest of feet. He has a deep chest with a good spring of rib and a good length of Loin. He has well angulated rear quarters with superb muscle tone and presented in hard condition. He moved with a purposeful stride powering from his rear quarters but was also light on his feet. Good ridge and crowns. Pleased to award him the CC and Reserve Best in Show 2nd Barnard’s CH Jockular Lord Leonti at Tsjakka (IMP NEDS) JW 3yr old red wheaten. A quality male who did not disappoint. Good balanced head with kind expression. Excellent reach of neck leading to a good shoulder, plenty of bone and well knuckled feet. Good depth of chest and length of body and pleasing rear angulation. He was expertly handled and covered the ground with ease. Excellent ridge and crowns. 3rd Bates CH Gunthwaite Midnite Preacha JW ShCM Res Miles Jaloumi Causin Havoc VHC Mitchelson’s Diamondridge Damocles Of Voortrekker Veteran Dog (6) (3) 1st Woodrow’s Mirengo’s Mukwela at 9 and three quarters this male is in excellent condition and does not look his age. Lighter wheaten with an excellent balanced head, dark round eye and pleasing expression. Fabuous front with excellent angulation, strong bone and good feet. Balanced body with good depth of chest, length to his loin and excellent rear quarters. Moved with a light free and easy stride. Good crowns and ridge. 2nd Barnard’s Tsjakka Just Joey Lovely 7 yr old having fun with his handler. Masculine head, good dark round eye with lovely kind expression. Another good front which was balanced with his rear angulation. Moved well around the ring obviously enjoying his day out wagging his tail. Good ridge and crowns. 3rd Spratling’s Ilizulu Moonlight Shadow Special Veteran Dog (1) 1st Maidment’s Mirengo’s Muchudi Of Osebeni What a fabulous old boy of 11 and a half with quite a spring in his step! Handsome head, balanced, good dark eye but white on his muzzle showing signs of maturity! Lovely reach of neck, with excellent front and rear quarters. Balanced throughout with a lovely move around the ring to show the youngsters a thing or too! Lovely old boy i have always admired and the crowd cheered him on! He has a thicker coat with the biggest crowns and good ridge. Minor Puppy Bitch (2) 1st Connelly & Mumford’s Mutuma Cariad 7 month old red baby. Soft feminine expression, lovely dark eye set onto a good neck. Good front and shoulder with plenty of bone and very tight feet. Good depth of body for age and super length of loin giving her a good length of stride on the move when she settled. Good rear angulation, excellent ridge and crowns. 2nd Brennan’s Neelanjali Maddison Belle, smaller more compact bitch than 1 with lots to like about her. Pretty bitch with a soft expression and balanced skull , good arch of neck and plenty of forechest for a youngster. Balanced in front and rear angulation. Light easy mover, good ridge and crowns. Puppy Bitch (6) (2) 1st Barnes Diamondridge Delightful.11month larger girl with a classic head balanced throughout and a really nice good dark round eye giving her a soft expression. Heavy in bone without being overdone she stood on exceptionally tight feet. Front and rear angulation was excellent so she was able to use her hindquarters and cover plenty of ground on the move. Excellent Ridge and crowns. 2nd Brownlee’s Diamondridge Royal Dynasty unlucky to meet her litter mate, slighty different in type had a balanced head with a dark mask and eye giving an aloof dignified expression. Used her excellent construction to cover the ground well but was also unsettled at times hence her placing today. Good ridge and crowns. 3rd Maidment’s Amahle Thandeka Res Cox’s Carlincox Ready To Rumble Junior Bitch (8) 1st Parsons Priorpark Aphrodite Super head with the classic dark eye ,black mask giving her a very alert expression. Has a good length of neck and superb shoulder placement, plenty of bone and tight feet. Has a well balanced body with good depth of chest and plenty of ribbing and loin, rear hindquarters well muscled and well let down hocks. Her movement was very good for a young girl, precise, light and covering plenty of ground. Good ridge and crowns.. 2nd Farleigh’s Kinabula Young Gifted And Red. Another youngster of a pleasing type and balanced throughout. Feminine in head with lovely expression she had similar qualities to number 1 so made this a difficult decision. Strode out well but lacked enthusiasm and this cost her the placing today. 3rd Denver’s Gunthwaite’s Cool Crazy Lady Of Vandengan Res Maidment’s Dykumos Never Grow Up (IMP USA) VHC Clark-Maclean’s Callmn The Special One Yearling Bitch (8) (2) 1st Farleigh’s Kinabula Bin There Done That. 15month old beautiful bitch with a classic head, dark eye and pleasing expression. Good length of neck with a fabulous shoulder placement, good bone and tight feet.Good depth of chest for a youngster, plenty of ribbing back and a good length of loin. pleasing rear angultion and well let down hocks meant that this bitch was really able to take command of the ring reaching with drive from behind. Balanced throughout, pity she flagged in the challenge for top honours .Good ridge and crowns. 2nd Kerr’s Ilizulu Eye Candy Another promising youngster at a different stage of development to winner. Lovely red girl with dark eye and alert expression. Good front, plenty of bone and very tight feet.Good depth of chest for age, correct length of loin and well muscled hindquarters give a balanced outline. Strode out covering the ground with a light easy action giving the impression she could carry on all day. Well presented. Good ridge and crowns. 3rd Pearce’s Msingi Your Da One Res Greeves Amber Iniko VHC Jeffrey’s Nyassa’s Uptown Girl Graduate Bitch (5) (1) Difficult class to judge as all bitches at very different stages of development. 1st Bristow’s Tambyssa’s Athena Red wheaten girl of pleasing type. Pretty balanced head ,alert expression and good reach of neck. Balanced front and rear angulation giving a pleasing outline .Ribs well sprung , long in loin enabled her to have easy reaching strides on the move. 2nd Campbell’s Nyassa Killer Queen Bitch of a different type .striking red wheaten. Classic feminine head ,dark eye and alert expression. Has a good reach of neck set into a very good front, correct bone and tight feet..Has a capacious chest and moderate spring of ribs and a strong loin. Rear angulation is good, well muscled and good turn of stifle. Used her hindquarters on the move using the ring well and kept her topline on the move. Good ridge and crowns, needs time to mature.3rd Holloway’s Tokwe After Eight Res Torr’s Beziliya Mireya Lion Chaser (IMP) Post Graduate Bitch (15) (5) 1st Savva’s Sofala Golden Glow- Young bitch who caught my eye as she entered the ring today .Dark red girl, feminine balanced head and soft expression with fabulous dark eye, alert expression. Excellent strong reach of neck set into muscular well angulated shoulders..Straight front, plenty of bone and the tightest of feet. Good depth to chest, well spring ribs, good length of back and loin strong, which enabled her to keep her topline as she moved. Clean well defined hind quarters with a good turn of stifle and well let down hocks. Moved powerfully around the ring with a free active stride,Excellent Ridge and crowns, pleased to award her Res Bitch CC 2nd Nash’s Mutoko’s Valegro- Larger type of Bitch at a different stage of development with lots to like about her Pleasing head with intelligent expression and good ear set gave a balanced outline. Strong neckline leading to good muscular shoulder placement, plenty of bone and very tight feet. Good depth of chest for stage of maturity, plenty of ribbing back and good length of loin. Powerful muscular hindquarters with good turn of stifle and well let down hocks.. has a good length of stride but movement erratic today. Good ridge and crowns. 3rd Raymond’s Sofala Goodness Gracious Res Adderley’sTambyssa’s Aphrodite VHC Davies Zenzeles Sheer Bliss Minor Limit Bitch (3) 1st Nolan’s Harambee Ku Shani 2 yr old bitch not quite at full maturity. Beautiful feminine head with a kind expression, dark eye and good earset. Strong neck leading to muscular forequarters and correct lay of shoulder. Deep chest with well sprung ribs and plenty of ribbing back and loin. Well muscled hind quarters ,good turn of stifle and good hocks. Has a long stride and is a free and easy mover. Needs time to settle which comes with maturity .Good ridge and crowns. 2nd Torr’s Ballyriver Honour Dark red wheaten girl with similar qualities to the winner. Feminine head with kind expression balanced throughout. Front and rear angulation is balanced so moved well with an easy action. Happy girl, good ridge and crowns. 3rd Davies Zenzeles Sheer Bliss Limit Bitch (9) 1st Bates, McCarthy-Booth & McCarthy’s Gunthwaite Born To Be Wicked At Jarhiba. Dark red feminine bitch who fits the standard. Fabulous head, with dark kind eye and intelligent expression. Has a strong neck set into a very good front with correct shoulder angulation, plenty of bone and tight feet. Good depth to chest considering she is still a youngster, well sprung ribs and good length of loin. Rear quarters are well muscled, have a good turn of stifle and well let down hocks. Happy with her handler she moved around the ring with a light easy action. Excellent ridge and crowns. 2nd Farleigh’s Kinabula’s What’s Your Fancy Unlucky to meet the winner on this occasion, a different stamp of bitch but has similar qualities. Super feminine head that has a kind expression but is typical of this kennel. Good length of neck and excels in forequarters, correct lay of shoulder , strong in bone and tight feet .Deep chest, well sprung ribs, longer in loin than 1. Well muscled hindquarters balance the front, good turn of stifle and hock well let down. Moved with drive and well handled. Good ridge and crowns. 3rd Hanson & Inwood’s Ilizulu Magical Star Res Raymond’s Sofala So Fantastique VHC Hicks Nuthouse Never Say Never Open Bitch (16) (4) 1st Shaw’s Makibos Kilimalemrika Of Negasi ShCM What a beautiful bitch, 4 yr old lighter wheaten presented in hard condition .Has a kind expression, fabulous dark eye, good length of skull and excellent ear set., a classic head. Strong neck into muscular front, superb shoulder angulation and return of upper arm., Is strong in bone and has tight feet. Correct depth of chest and well sprung ribs ,strong back and good length of loin. Rearquarters are well muscled, good turn of stifle and hocks well let down .A joy to watch on the move with flowing straight free action almost gliding around the ring .Excellent ridge and crowns-so pleased to award her CC, and Best in Show. 2nd Maylor’s Kamili Comes And Goes JW Another quality bitch that i have admired from ringside,unlucky to meet 1 on the day. Feminine girl with a balanced head and kind expression leading to a strong neck. Good front and depth of chest ,strong bone and tight feet. Strong back, rear angulation is balanced with front ,good turn of stifle and hocks well let down .Moved well around the ring with a good length of stride .Good ridge and crowns. 3rd Parker’s CH Trendsetter Jani For Azuli ShCM Res Tredwell & Symond’s Shombay Once Is Enough VHC Smith’s Neelanjali Premier Rose At Lilongwe Veteran Bitch (12) (5) 1st Miles CH Veldtkammer Red Hot Chick At Jaloumi 8yr old red bitch who certainly was not showing signs of age. Quality girl with a super feminine head and superb dark expressive eye. Good reach of neck into good forechest and shoulder placement, strong bone and tight feet. Strong back and good length of loin, she kept her topline on the move. Good rear angulation meant she had a balanced outline. Strode around the ring happily showing the youngsters what she could do! Good ridge and crowns. Pleased to award her BVIS 2nd Thompson & Taylor’s Kelshanti Penda Zula 7yr old dark red bitch just into veteran. Very feminine head , eye harmonising with coat colour and good ear set. Good length of neck, adequate front, balanced length to body and good hindquarters. Happy mover. Good ridge and crowns. 3rd Parker’s CH Zuri Adia To Azuli JW ShCM Res Smith’s Umhlandla Mbatha JW VHC Hanson’s Ilizulu Magical Moonlight JW ShCM Special Veteran Bitch (2) (1st Lawless CH Hayawani Kamambaa Rangi To Faahac IMP SWE) ShCM Liver girl aged 10 who certainly doesn’t look her age. Feminine head with a fabulous expression, eye colour harmonising with her colouring. Strong neck leading to a good front, plenty of bone and tight feet. Excellent depth of chest, plenty of ribbing back and length of loin. Rear quarters well muscled, and when she ran around the ring powered from behind. Clearly enjoying her day out today wagging her tail having fun with her mum. A pleasure to watch. Good ridge and crowns. 2nd Coyne’s Amiswarno Madrigal With Ozubi 11yr old Bitch who showed very few grey hairs! Classic feminine head with kind expression and a lovely dark twinkly eye, set onto a strong long neck. Good front that was matched by good rear angulation. Balanced throughout she happily ran around the ring with a sprightly step .Another fabulous oldie with good ridge and crowns. Cath Davis CHAMP SHOW 2009 Champ Show Critique 2010 Champ Show Critique 2011 .